Always our priority
The condition you’re in when you arrive at work is the condition we want you to be in when you leave. As everyone in the LBC team wants to see their colleagues and themselves unharmed, this dedication to safety is promoted and adhered to by all of us, as employees or contractors, on all our sites. We implement simple but effective rules, regular training sessions, targeted awareness campaigns, and of course, safety infrastructure, to optimize safety at all times.

Safety infrastructure
The safety infrastructure for tank terminals largely follows various international and local standards. Every LBC site fulfills and often surpasses all relevant legislative requirements to ensure safety, and effectively minimize the possibility of incidents such as fires or spills.
Our safety infrastructure extends to other considerations such as non-slip flooring, guardrails to prevent falls from heights and the use of high-visibility materials in uniforms, on stairs and so forth. We have first aid and even emergency response teams present to respond in the event of an incident.
Employee health and safety
Everyone is a safety leader and is trained to recognize hazards and report potentially unsafe situations. It is everyone’s task to reduce, or where possible, eliminate risks.
In 2021, we adopted the 9 Life-Saving Rules by IOGP (International Association of Oil & Gas Producers). The rules are not a replacement for a management system, competent people, site rules or procedures – but following the rules is a final barrier to keep us safe.