Fraud and scam alert
In the event that you are the victim of a crime in which LBC’s name and identity have been fraudulently used, we sympathize with you, but cannot accept any responsibility.
How to recognize suspicious e-mails
- A reference is made to a security issue with your bankcard or account.
- Payment is requested for fake invoices sent in the name of LBC for storage rental or logistic services.
- These invoices look unprofessional and use copied logos.
- You will be requested to undertake immediate action.
- You will be able to solve the issue by opening an attachment or clicking on a link. This link will bring you to a fake website where you will be asked to enter personal data such as bankcard number, three-digit security number of a credit card, or a personal code as given by your card reader etc.
Please note that
- LBC invoices work only on the basis of a written agreement and have a contract reference.
- All communications should originate from a verifiable LBC e-mail address and NOT from an internet e-mail address such as Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo.
How to recognize a suspicious call
An unknown person calls you to obtain personal information, such as a bankcard number or personal codes as given by your card reader.
Victim of fraud, what to do?
- Do not respond to e-mail addresses you do not know or trust.
- Do not disclose your personal of financial details to anyone or any website you do not know or trust. In the event that you do disclose sensitive information to a person or website that you do not trust, report the incident to your legal department.
- Be alert and on the lookout for suspicious signs such as non-LBC e-mail addressed communications, poor use of business language or English, or any requests for payments.
More detail can be found on or